
GetCertificateSSL( )

=GetCertificateSSL() IP Tools for Excel Sheet Function to Get SSL Certificate

Check and test SSL certificate information and status in Excel



GetCertificateSSL( )

Returns the values and detail information about the x.509 certificate a target host or URL/URI may provide via an SSL or TLS connection. Gets the certificate. Returns validity, response time, detail or report

=GetCertificateSSL(TargetURL, [ReturnType], [CertificateDetail], [TimeOut], [Port])


TargetURL Required

May be URL, Host Name or IP Address. A TCP port number may be specified in the URL. If the argument Port is provided it will take precedence over any port specified in a URL. Any TargetURL must be resolvable by DNS or host file else the return is #ipte_DNS-NORESOLVE

ReturnType Optional - default is 2

0  TrueFalse = TRUE/FALSE

If a valid certificate is returned from theTargetURL then TRUE is returned else the return is FALSE. Certificate validation is based on local machine policy

1  Time = time in milliseconds

Time taken in milliseconds to receive the response from theTargetURL. The time for name resolutions is not included in the reported time. If the certificate is not retrieved the return is -1

2  CertDetail = certificate field detail

If any certificate is returned by the TargetURL then the element or result selected by CertificateField is returned if defined and present in the certificate otherwise an empty string is returned. Certificate validity is not checked therefore detail from an invalid certificate can be returned

3  CertReport1 = certificate report 1

If a certificate is returned by theTargetURL then certificate report 1 is returned if data is defined and present in the certificate otherwise  an empty string is returned

99  FailureReason = error reason

Returns a text string describing the error. If there was no error then the string #ipte_NO-ERROR is returned

CertificateField Optional – default is 14 ExpirationDate – Return Type must be 2

1  Extension_ApplicationPolicies = Application Policy field in a version 3 x.509 certificate extension

If present in the certificate the field is returned as string

2  Extension_AuthorityInformationAccess = Authority Information Access field in a version 3 x.509 certificate extension

If present in the certificate the field is returned as string

3  Extension_AuthorityKeyIdentifier = Authority Key Identifier field in a version 3 x.509 certificate extension

If present in the certificate the field is returned as string

4  Extension_BasicConstraints = Basic Constraints field in a version 3 x.509 certificate extension

If present in the certificate the field is returned as string

5  Extension_CertificatePolicies = Certificate Policies field in a version 3 x.509 certificate extension

If present in the certificate the field is returned as string

6  Extension_CertificateTemplateInformation = Certificate Template Information field in a version 3 x.509 certificate extension

If present in the certificate the field is returned as string

7  Extension_CRLDistributionPoints = CRL Distribution Points field in a version 3 x.509 certificate extension

If present in the certificate the field is returned as string

8  Extension_EnhancedKeyUsage = Enhanced Key Usage field in a version 3 x.509 certificate extension

If present in the certificate the field is returned as string

9  Extension_IssuerAlternativeName = Issuer Alternative Name field in a version 3 x.509 certificate extension

If present in the certificate the field is returned as string

10  Extension_KeyUsage = Key Usage field in a version 3 x.509 certificate extension

If present in the certificate the field is returned as string

11  Extension_SubjectAlternativeName = Subject Alternative Name field in a version 3 x.509 certificate extension

If present in the certificate the field is returned as string

12  Extension_SubjectKeyIdentifier = Subject Key Identifier field in a version 3 x.509 certificate extension

If present in the certificate the field is returned as string

13  EffectiveDate = Date in local time on which a certificate becomes valid

Returns a date type. Ensure the Excel cell format selected is Date

14  ExpirationDate = Date in local time after which a certificate is no longer valid

Returns a date type. Ensure the Excel cell format selected is Date

15  Hash = SHA1 hash value for the certificate as a hexadecimal string

Same as Thumbprint

16  HasPrivateKey = Indicating whether a certificate contains a private key

Returns TRUE or FLASE

17  Issuer = Authority that issued the certificate

Returns the issuer field

18  IssuedBy = Authority that issued the certificate

Returns the CN part of the Issuer field

19  IssuedTo = Entity the certificate is issued to

Same as subject. Returns the entity the certificate is issued to

20  KeyAlgorithm = Key algorithm information

Returns key information

21  KeyAlgorithmParameters = Key algorithm parameter information for the certificate

Returns key algorithm parameter information

22  PrivateKey = Private key

Returns a string that represents the private key

23  PublicKey = Public key

Returns a string that represents the public key

24  PublicKeyEncryption = Public Key encryption algorithm

Return a string that describes the encryption algorithm

25  PublicKeySize = Size of the Public Key

Return a string that describes size of the public key if it can be calculated

26  RawData = Raw data of a certificate

Return the string representation. Must be less than 32k to fit into the Excel cell else #ipte_DATA-TOO-BIG

27  SerialNumber = Serial number of a certificate

Returns a string

28  SignatureAlgorithm = Signature Algorithm

Return the algorithm used to create the signature of a certificate

29  Subject = Subject distinguished name

Return the subject distinguished name from the certificate

30  SubjectName = Subject distinguished name CN part

Same asIssuedTo. Returns the CN part of the Issuer field

31  ThumbPrint = Calculation of thumb print

Gets the thumbprint of a certificate. Dynamically generated using the SHA1 algorithm and does not physically exist in the certificate

32  ThumbPrintAlgorithm = SHA1 is used

Gets the thumbprint of a certificate. Dynamically generated using the SHA1 algorithm and does not physically exist in the certificate

33  Version = X.509 format version

Returns an Integer. Gets the X.509 format version of a certificate

TimeOut Optional - default is 10

Integer value 1 to 25. Timeout value in seconds. The amount of time to wait for the result from the TargetURL before returning a timeout error

Port Optional

Integer value 1 to 65535. The TCP port number the request will open. If Port is provided it will take precedence over any port specified in a URL

Usage Examples

=GetCertificateSSL (“”)

Creates a connection to the host at on TCP port 443 and then requests a SSL secure connection. If any certificate is returned, the certificate’s expiration date is returned in Excel Date format

=GetCertificateSSL(“”, “TrueFalse”)

Creates a connection to the host at on TCP port 8443 and then requests a SSL secure connection. If any certificate is returned, it is checked against the machine local policy. TRUE is returned if the certificate is valid otherwise FALSE


Creates a connection to the host at on TCP port 443 and then requests a SSL secure connection. If any certificate is returned within the 5 second timeout, the time taken in milliseconds to receive the certificate response from SomeHost is reported in milliseconds. The time for name resolutions is not included in the reported time so it represents only the time to establish the connection and return the certificate. If the certificate is not retrieved the return is -1

=GetCertificateSSL(A10,3,,,443)   where A10 =

Creates a connection to the host at on TCP port 443 and then requests a SSL secure connection. If any certificate is returned within the default 10 second timeout, certificate report 1 is returned. Format the cell with the consolas fixed font, wrap cell and set cell height to 409


Any argument can be a cell reference like A7 or $D$3

Arguments can be entered as “string” or number value

Default timeout for DNS resolution and GetCertificate 10 seconds

The connection’s encryption protocol is negotiated with the server and is selected based on parameters in local machine and operating system policies

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