
OpenSSL( )

=OpenSSL() IP Tools for Excel Sheet Function to open and test SSL and TLS connections

Check test and evaluate SSL and TLS connections and get status in Excel



OpenSSL( )

Creates a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection with a target host or URL/URI. Returns results, response time, connection detail or report

=OpenSSL(TargetURL, [ReturnType], [ConnectionDetail], [TimeOut], [Port])


TargetURL Required

May be URL, Host Name or IP Address. A TCP port number may be specified in the URL. If the argument Port is provided it will take precedence over any port specified in a URL. Any TargetURL must be resolvable by DNS or host file else the return is #ipte_DNS-NORESOLVE

ReturnType Optional - default is 2

0  TrueFalse = TRUE/FALSE

If a secure connection can be established with the TargetURL then TRUE is returned else the return is FALSE

1  Time = time in milliseconds

Time taken in milliseconds to receive the result from the TargetURL. The time for name resolutions is not included in the reported time. If the result fails -1 is returned

2  ConnectionDetail = detail about the connections encryption parameters

If a connection is made to the TargetURL the element specified in ConnectionDetail is returned otherwise an empty string is returned

3  ConnectionReport1 = connection report 1

If a connection is made to the TargetURL then connection report 1 is returned otherwise an empty string is returned. All obtainable connection details are reported

99  FailureReason = error reason

Returns a text string describing the error. If there was no error then the string #ipte_NO-ERROR is returned

ConnectionDetail Optional – default is 7 SSLProtocol – Return Type must be 2

1  CipherAlgorithm = Cipher Algorithm

Returns a string describing the algorithm used

2  CipherStrength = Cipher Strength

Returns an integer representing the bit strength of the cipher

3  HashAlgorithm = Hash Algorithm

Returns a string describing the algorithm used

4  HashStrength = Hash Strength

Returns an integer representing the bit strength of the hash

5  KeyExchangeAlgorithm = Key Exchange Algorithm

Returns a string describing the algorithm used

6  KeyExchangeStrength = Key Exchange Strength

Returns an integer representing the bit strength of the key

7  SSLProtocol = SSL Protocol

Returns a string describing the protocol chosen

TimeOut Optional – default is 10

Integer value 1 to 25. Timeout value in seconds. The amount of time to wait for the result from the TargetHost before returning a timeout error

Port Optional – default is 443

Integer value 1 to 65535. The TCP port number the request will open.If Port is provided it will take precedence over any port specified in a URL

Usage Examples


Creates a connection to the host at on TCP port 443 and then requests a SSL secure connection. The connection detail for the SSL Protocol chosen is returned

=OpenSSL(“”, “TrueFalse”)

Creates a connection to the host at on TCP port 8443 and then requests a SSL secure connection. TRUE is returned if the connection is made otherwise FALSE


Creates a connection to the host at on TCP port 443 and then requests a SSL secure connection. If a connection is made within the 5 second timeout, the time taken in milliseconds to establish the connection is returned. The time for name resolutions is not included in the reported time so it represents only the time to establish the connection. If the connection is not made the return is -1

=OpenSSL(A10,3,,,443)   where A10 =

Creates a connection to the host at on TCP port 443 and then requests a SSL secure connection. If a connection is established within the default 10 second timeout, connection report 1 is returned. Format the cell with the consolas fixed font, wrap cell and set cell height to 409


Any argument can be a cell reference like A7 or $D$3

Arguments can be entered as “string” or number value

Default timeout for DNS resolution and OpenSSL is 10 seconds

The connection’s encryption protocol is negotiated with the server and is selected based on parameters in local machine and operating system policies

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